Today is December 31, 2024. Why emphasize the date? Yes, not only because it's the last day of this year, but also because there will never be another 2024. This is not a year-end summary; it's just a little thing I want to share about today.
On Tuesday, of course, there are classes, but today is different because there is an exam, the final exam. Well, I’m feeling less and less about exams; I didn’t expect to shake off exam syndrome in this way. I don’t even want to look at those knowledge points, even though I know I need to study them. I don’t know why, but I’m losing interest, like a "cicada that buries itself underground for 18 years and then comes out to sing for two months before dying," burning out its last passion. Before the exam, I reviewed some knowledge points with my roommate. None of us had really studied; we didn’t even want to memorize anything, and we just casually went through it several times.
During the exam, emmm it was okay overall; I wrote down everything I could, and what I crammed for was also useful. There was a knowledge point about aggregation and composition relationships in UML, and I suddenly got them confused during the exam, unable to tell which one belonged to which relationship, so I randomly chose one in the multiple-choice question and picked aggregation. But I didn’t expect to choose wrong; maybe those three points just didn’t belong to me.
The first letter of the year-end is from Follow, and I also prepared to send a letter to my distant friend. I’ve always felt that a letter is necessary to recount the bits and pieces of my year, and to formally elaborate, not just typing in a chat box, but a letter. It can be a piece of white paper stained with tears or a beautifully crafted page, or that letter under a gift that says "Are you happy?" Yes, the words I want to say to you are the memories of you and me.
In the evening, I wanted to go out to eat, so I made plans with my roommate. Well, in the end, it was just me and another roommate who went out to eat barbecue, which was delicious 😋
The two dolls of 69
Well, that’s all; everything is fine, burning out...
Happy New Year, everyone!