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24-04-30 Tuesday, May Day holiday return home

Last year during the May Day holiday, I didn't go home and stayed at school for five days, which was quite boring. This year, I decided to go home, even though the round trip cost more than 600 RMB, it's still better than being bored. Since I couldn't buy a ticket for May 1st, I could only get a ticket for the 30th, so I had to ask for a day off from my supervisor 😤. Luckily, the leave request was approved smoothly last night. I had to wake up early in the morning, even though I stayed up until 2 am the night before. At 6 am, my roommate suddenly woke me up (I had reminded them to wake me up before sleeping), so I got up in a daze. After getting ready and washing my hair, I left the school, bought a basket of Xiaolongbao to eat, finished eating around 7 o'clock, and then rushed to catch the subway. I have to say, every time I take the high-speed rail, I think of the legend of Alibaba helping 12306 with their system. The 12306 system is really great👍, and I'm quite curious about the system architecture behind the high-speed rail stations. There were indeed a lot of people during the May Day holiday, but overall, it was not bad. Let's relax and enjoy the May Day holiday at home😀😀😀.
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