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Freedom, life, self, love.

I have been thinking about some questions these days. I planned to write them a few days ago, but I procrastinated a bit. Today, I woke up with nothing to do in the afternoon, so I decided to discuss these questions one by one and express my opinions. Of course, these topics are all very grand, and I cannot explain them clearly... The following views are based on the fact that I am an INFP and selfish (after all, everyone is selfish), and I like to think freely and believe that existence is reasonable 😐 ① Freedom: When encountering problems or things, having multiple choices for you to choose from and then choosing one and sticking to it is freedom. I was confused before, but since high school, I have been pursuing freedom. My dream is to be a carefree person who has many choices when facing problems. If I don't like going to school, I can choose to do a good job, become a game anchor, or live a peaceful life in my hometown. But these are all choices provided. It is impossible not to consider the effectiveness because people are selfish. Freedom is a process, never a result: just like the example given by Chen Guo, even studying at night self-study feels not free, playing games still feels not free, the feeling of freedom is on the way from escaping from self-study to playing games, with a clear breeze and bright moon, and classmates in their youth, that's true freedom. The process of pursuing freedom is the real freedom, just like the lyrics in the song "I dream and yearn for true love and freedom". So, I wish everyone always has choices to make and can accept these choices. ② Life: Before we were born, we would choose our own life script from many scripts, and then we would become babies, but we forgot about the choice of the script. Life is a very, very, very big topic, and here I only discuss the aspect of fate. In "Wu Xu Notes," Shi Tiesheng wrote: If you stand at the position of childhood and look forward to the future, you will say that your future is uncertain, and you will say that your future is boundless; but if you stand at the end and look at the trajectory of your life, you will only see one road, and you can only see one predetermined path. You don't know what fate is until you know what fate is. Every moment of a person's life is the sum of the past, and it is the past that shapes the person. So don't deny any of your past, that's why it is you. Therefore, it is absurd not to understand a person's past if you want to understand that person, at least I think so. I cannot accept things in someone else's past that I cannot accept now. I would say, if I gain it, I am lucky; if I lose it, it is my fate. You say you live very independently and have a strong personality, but you don't realize that everything around you slowly changes you, rather than you actively changing yourself, and this is the case in any situation. This is fate! ③ Self: A few days ago, I saw a sentence that said, "The so-called grassland is just a pile of grass, growing on a flat ground, it does not represent freedom and vastness; the big mountain is just a big mountain, without grandeur and majesty. These definitions are determined by the people who see them. The ten directions are empty, and all beings are different. In the world between heaven and earth, Wang Yangming's heart study says that the self is the most capable of creating freedom. Just like the saying goes, all your interpretations and understanding of me do not constitute even one percent of who I am, but they are all clear to yourself. Just like the me you see now, it's just yourself. When a person realizes that in his life, from beginning to end, there is only oneself present, and from beginning to end, he only experiences his own feelings, then he will remove all the worldly shackles and truly move towards tranquility and freedom, just as Wang Yangming calmly said after realizing the truth at Longchang: "There is nothing outside the mind, this mind is bright, what else is there to say, what else is there to fear?" ④ Love: I am not interested in girls who have someone in their hearts, of course, I understand the boundaries. In my opinion, this is very important. I even want a one-on-one ambiguous relationship. Sharing the movies I have watched, the music I have listened to, and the comics I have read with others is a magical form of communication. I just realized this last night, although I knew before that it was very enjoyable to communicate with someone who has the same hobbies. But when you meet a stranger and they recommend a novel they like to you, and you go and read it with their understanding or just a sentence, it feels very magical. This is what I realized when reading comics, and I think it is a deep level of soul communication. I think romance is about sharing. The most romantic thing I have ever said is "I will share half of my earphones with you." Of course, when I think about who I will meet in the future, who I will marry or not marry, these are all undecided. I learned this sentence from "Bouquet-like Love": When you listen to music with earphones, the sound you hear on the left and right sides is different. If you only wear one earphone, it becomes another song. It is because two people share something together that it becomes interesting, that's true. But love cannot be shared, in love, one person can only have one, and each person can only have one. So people are selfish, and I want to experience the love I feel. Okay, it's over. It's almost 8 o'clock in the evening. I just had dinner. Let me introduce the pictures. Picture one is a movie, there is a small shop on the cloud, it is adapted from a novel, highly recommended to watch; picture two is a life story shared by a friend in the Sun Bar, the content is very touching, and the writing is particularly good, the original link: [](; picture three is a fortune-telling activity in Genshin Impact during the Qixi Festival a few days ago, all wishes come true, the future is bright!; picture four is when I had a fever before, I went to the park for a night run alone, hahaha, quite crazy; picture five is on Qixi Festival, I had barbecue with my high school friends at my home, it was truly unforgettable, we had a great time eating and drinking!; picture six is a cake I ordered for a friend's birthday; picture seven is when I went online late at night because my friend's account was also in my hands, I bought a pair of rainbow warrior pants for them, hahaha, I just like to give people unexpected surprises!
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